by Kurt Knecht | Jul 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
This is a setting of Dorothy Sayers’ poem, “Christ the Companion.” The fabulous and redoubtable soprano, Alyssa Toepfer, sang it a few weeks ago at St. Paul’s on a Sunday morning. I originally wrote this piece for my friend, Donna Harler Smith. CHRIST THE COMPANION...
by Kurt Knecht | Jun 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
My friend, Dr. Sarah Farr, got in touch with me in the Summer of 2022 to discuss writing some songs for developing voices. Volume I is now available. You can purchase it here: Songs for Developing Voices Volume I This set represents the first volume of what we hope to...
by Kurt Knecht | Jun 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
One of the difficulties about the discussion around cultural appropriation is simply figuring out what the word “culture” means and how to draw border lines around it. In a global community, for better or worse — and I personally think mostly worse — there isn’t much...
by Kurt Knecht | Jun 12, 2023 | Uncategorized
Context seems to be a major factor in how we understand the appropriate usage of cultural artifacts. Once when I was in the Museum of Natural History in D.C., I was struck by the display of a totem pole. It seems odd that we, as a culture, would pull an object that...
by Kurt Knecht | Jun 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
If we think about the British Museum displaying a vase from ancient Babylon, the concept of “cultural appropriation is clear. They likely picked up the vase during the glory days of the Empire. In that case, one group takes something from another group. Stealing is...
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