My friend, Dr. Sarah Farr, got in touch with me in the Summer of 2022 to discuss writing some songs for developing voices.

Volume I is now available. You can purchase it here: Songs for Developing Voices Volume I

This set represents the first volume of what we hope to be an ongoing project. Each song is crafted with young singers in mind. The ranges are moderate, and the harmonic language is accessible without being boring. They are expertly rendered here by the incomparable Joshua Lawlor. 

“Remember Me” sets a text by Christina Rosetti that can be read in terms of leaving a place or in terms of leaving in a more permanent sense.

“Refuge” is a Sara Teasdale poem about the comfort of singing.

“He’s gone away” is an American folk song which I harmonized with jazz voicings. I have used the traditional text for the folk song, but singers may feel free to adjust the gendered pronouns as they see fit. 

Each volume is available in medium high and medium low voicing. The work was made possible by a generous grant from the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges doing business as Wayne State College.