The entries continued for week 3. Here’s a quick recap in case you missed anything. It was like fire.

We started off with my Herbie Hancock O Come Emmanuel
John responded with a Benjamin Britten Silver Bells.
I came back with a Fats Waller Hark the Herald.
John responded with a David Lang I Saw Three Ships
Next, I sent over a Stevie Wonder Go Tell It on the Mountain
And John came back with a Mozart Winter Wonderland.
I’d done one in years past, but my friend, the bassist Ben Harris asked me for a Cecil Taylor something, and I used God Rest Ye.
John came back with a Beethoven tryptich.
My final entry of the week was a John Adams (or maybe Reich) style Hark the Herald.
And then John blew us all away by ending the week with a Kile Smith style Angels We Have Heard on High.
We now embark on week 4. The boss level. I have some surprises up my sleeve though, so I’m not out of this yet.
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