Today I had the chance to play a program for Shabbat Shirah. Shabbat Shirah happens when the Torah passage that refers to the song of Moses and Miriam after the crossing of the Red Sea is read in Synagogue. The Lincoln Jewish community has established a tradition of doing a special musical event during the weekend of that Sabbath. When I was asked to play a concert for the event, there was only one musician around that I wanted to ask to perform with me. Justin Lepard is a fabulous young cellist. You will see in the upcoming posts his amazing giftedness in a diversity of styles.

The first video I’m posting is the “soft premiere” of a new cello piece. Growing up in Tampa means being constantly exposed to Cuban culture and Latin rhythms. I am developing this piece, but here is a first try. It is called El CafĂ© Irradaciente. The movements are simply colors. 1. rojo 2. azul 3. perla 4. morado

We had some curious problems that arouse especially in the last movement, but that is to be expected when you are first trying out a new piece in a public venue. I’d love to hear your comments and thoughts. I will be posting some more video from the concert in the next few days.

P.S. I have a version for viola for anyone who might be interested.