by Kurt Knecht | Nov 17, 2011 | carrie kirby, der tod und das mädchen, kurt knecht, mathilde who liked to sing Schubert, schubert, Uncategorized
Part the first (in which we learn about Mathilde’s gifts and eccentricities)Part the second (An die Musik)Part the third (Der Lindenbaum)Part the fourth (Heidenröslein)Part the fifth (Der Tod und Das Mädchen)(Here is a link to the translation if you need...
by Kurt Knecht | Nov 10, 2011 | carrie kirby, Gerard Manley Hopkins, inversnaid, kurt knecht, spring and fall: to a young child, thou art indeed just lord, Uncategorized
This is a song cycle that was originally written for my friend Carrie Kirby. It was an absolute delight to finally have an opportunity to perform it with her. There is almost no poet so far ahead of his time in terms of modern sensibility and rhythm as Hopkins. I...
by Kurt Knecht | Nov 8, 2011 | black horizons, Carl Sandburg, carrie kirby, grieg being dead, kurt knecht, monotone, personality, song cycle, the hangman at home, Uncategorized
The next post from the Knecht&Kirby concert is my Sandburg cycle.I have enjoyed Carl Sandburg’s poetry since it was suggested to me in 9th grade by friend Kevin Boyd. This set of 5 songs is about 5 years old now. I appropriately wrote it over the move to...
by Kurt Knecht | Nov 6, 2011 | 13 ways of looking at a blackbird, carrie kirby, kurt knecht, song cycle, thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird, Uncategorized, wallace stevens
When Carrie Kirby and I were in our early discussions of repertoire for our concert, I immediately asked her to look at my setting of Wallace Stevens’ Thirteen Ways of looking at a Blackbird. I wrote the music almost 10 years ago, but I’ve never been able...
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