by Kurt Knecht | Aug 27, 2011 | Beethoven, Chuck D, Dr. Dre, Plato, Stockhausen, Stravinsky, Uncategorized
In the Ion, Plato lays out the central problem with artists in general. To wit: they’re crazy. Well, maybe they aren’t crazy all the time, but they are at least crazy when they are making their art. Socrates points out that “all good poets…compose their beautiful...
by Kurt Knecht | Aug 21, 2011 | nudity, Professor Carol, Stravinsky, Uncategorized
I was reading an article sent on by my friend Michael Baker about a new performance of Stravinsky’s Symphony in C. Michael was a student with me at SMU where we both did our Masters degrees. This sent me down a short memory lane to an iconography project that I...
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