Improvising my way out of a paper bag #3

Today we managed to set mic levels and get some solid takes of two of our improvisations. The first was a sort of passacaglia based on a coloristic succession of parallel major chords. The second used the digital tabla playing a 15/8 rhythm called Pancham. Apparently,...

Improvising my way out of a paper bag #2

Perhaps the most exciting part of this project so far is the collaborative element. Normally, composition is a rather isolated and lonely task with the weight of the Western cult of genius bearing down on each working minute. I once heard Wynton Marsalis remark that...

Improvising my way out of a paper bag #1

This week I am making a recording with the amazing violist Jonah Sirota. The project is quite unique. It will be a recording of  improvisations for viola and organ. Naturally, my thoughts have turned to some of the interesting aspects of working on improvised...

Chaining farts together to explain music

Several friends have been passing around a recent NY Times articles about neurological studies and music. Naturally, it is fascinating stuff if you like working on cars. The article is called “Why Music Makes Our Brains Sing”, and you can read it here.My...

Famous composers I’ve never heard of

Almost once a week, I seem to discover a composer that I’ve never heard of before. I’m not talking about 16th century French composers with fantastic names like Jean Bastard, Italian conglomerates monikered Accademico Bizzarro Capriccioso, or the...

Evangelicals and/or Christianity

I’ve had a curious phenomenon happen twice in recent weeks. I’m not sure what to make of it, so I thought I would put it out on the internets and see what others thought about it.In my theological conversations with various and sundry people, it is often...

The quest for originality

A few weeks ago, I dropped off a friend who was giving a composition master class with some young composers. When I came back from my rehearsal to retrieve him, they were winding down, but I was asked to respond to a young composer who queried, “Do you think it...

Celebrating Avi’s graduation

This weekend we celebrate Avi’s graduation from high school. Here is a video of his high school combo playing the latest chart that he wrote. The start is a little rocky, but they eventually settle into a groove. I think it is a most excellent and hip tune. He...

David Clark Isele: Celebration Requiem

My first composition teacher was David Clark Isele. I remember the joy and intimidation I felt when I was introduced to an actual living composer. The first work of David’s that I listened to with great regularity was his “Celebration Requiem”. ...